Get Your Guild Access

The Guild Monthly Membership

The Guild is a wonderful community of fellow travelers who have completed their Transformation Experience and are supporting each other on their journeys. Jess calls it a “delicious community.”

What is Guild?

With your purchase of the Transformation Experience, you received 3 months free membership into the Guild. It’s a wonderful place where we play with energy, deepen our relationship with the tools, and discover ever more ways of creating a magical life.

Why Guild?

We recognize the work you do in the Transformation Experience is life changing, but one can fall back into old patterns so we created the Guild to help you stay on your journey. The Guild is a place to be around like-minded humans to find continued support and friendship. 

After your 3 free months

The Guild is only a $100-a-month investment.

This keeps the lights on and pays for the infrastructure to support you and your fellow life travelers. Here is what you receive as a Guild Member of the Transformation Experience. All links, resources, and updates are in our Mighty Networks hub.

Activate Guild Access

A live Zoom call

with Trevor every second Tuesday of the month where you can, Ask Trevor Anything. Yes, anything! You will be in the company of others playing and creating their life of dreams. This is a space of curiosity, storytelling, sharing, and fun! The link to this live monthly gathering can be found in the private Guild meeting platform, be sure to mark it in your calendar!  

Trevor’s Weekly Audio Keys

Here Trevor shares his profound insights on current affairs, responds to member inquiries via email, and explores topics guided by his intuition, these are handpicked exclusively for Guild members.

Mentality Mondays

are Trevor’s musings and observations about life and are a fun read!

Our private Guild group

where you can meet, collaborate, and connect with other ambitious and like-minded humans. Here you can give and receive support as you travel through your Transformation Experience. There is a lot of magic to be found here, so be sure to pop in on the regular. We host our group meetings on the Mighty Networks platform.

Direct Email access to Trevor.

Yes, that’s right. This doesn’t go to a support team, this is access to Trevor.

Monthly Guild Membership

Get started now

Activate Your Guild Membership

If you have any questions about the Guild or your current membership, our awesome concierge team will be happy to help, just reach out to