Harmonizing Nature
About this lesson
Nature is harmonious. Some people call nature ‘she,’ but that again is a symptom of separateness. Nature is nature. It is not limited by gender issues even though human scientists identify male and female in everything.
Nature resonates in a vibration that when we fall into it we receive more than we can contribute. In some ways I feel that nature always restores me to my original manufacturer’s setting. It is like a software reboot.
Others describe nature as a kind of matrix. I am reluctant to use the word because it has been abused by modern science fiction to give us images of traps, cages, violence, and control. I am amongst the few who feel that the franchise diminishes understanding of life. The naked violence has nothing to do with nature.
The Oxford dictionary has five very different definitions for the meaning of the word, ‘matrix,’ but together they equate to the organization of disparate parts. Nature is a harmonizing consciousness in which everything works in perfect balance. It is not a trap any more than taking a bath means we have to stay in the water. We can enter and leave consciously anytime we desire.
I think of nature more as a force than a thing. Just as the biological computer of our torso wand translates photons into images, so we can translate nature into wisdom. When I sit under a tree, it feels to me like being a wide-eyed innocent child sitting cross-legged at the feet of a great storyteller. The secret is to shut up, sit down, and listen.
Science is now catching up with the great storyteller called nature:
Miyazaki and Juyoung
•Humans concentrate better after spending time in nature: U of Michigan
•University of Kansas and Utah found that after three days of hiking and camping in the wilderness, participants improved test scores by 50 percent.”
•Soil on your skin boosts serotonin: U of Bristol
•Gardening and other outdoor activities influenced the behavior of more than four hundred kids nationally, aged five to eighteen, diagnosed with ADHD: U of Chicago
•Qing Li from the Nippon Medical School in Tokyo found that time spent outdoors boosts the immune system.
Nature is a unifying force.
Here is a short clip from Carl Sagan’s Cosmos, a series that inspired me when I was a young boy. I particularly loved this clip because it put humankind into perspective. This series with its animation, color and descriptions simply blew me away. After watching each episode I always went outside and looked to the heavens. Please take the time to view it as it has an important point to make. Keep in mind it is from the far ancient days of the 1970s and is beautifully grainy.