The Journey Begins: Awakening The Real You
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The great search for truth requires study, meditation, and service. It requires above all that we forget self. If we will do that, we can awaken the inner self. When that happens, for a fleeting eternity, we are one with the infinite. Out of that timeless flash there comes bliss, joy, and the peace that passes understanding. Yet even though we experience that awesome reality, we have not yet won the victory. It is only after the first awakening that the arduous work begins, the work of gaining complete mastery over our whole nature.
– Edward Abdill
Waking up to who you are requires letting go of who you IMAGINE yourself to be. – Alan Watts
Historically, people have made assumptions about origin and destiny. Every theory gets replaced by the next. In modern times, widely accepted views have been codified into tenets of religious faith or presented as scientific concepts, and most people have accepted what they have been told by those who claim to know. Most people believe the ‘experts’ until the experts are proven wrong by newer ‘experts.’ The earth was flat. The stars were tears in a cotton canvas shielding the Gods from our gaze. Nothing could travel faster than the speed of light, except those annoying particles we recently discovered that do.
We cannot know truth entirely by listening or watching the opinions of others, only experiencing for ourselves.
If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn’t be. And what it wouldn’t be, it would. You see?”
– Lewis Carol, Alice Through the Looking Glass
“The teacher can but point the way,” says The Voice of the Silence. “Words can do no more. We can express our beliefs and theories in words, but we cannot cause others to experience a truth simply by telling them.”
This Transformation Experience is presented in three stanzas. Each stanza provides a series of knowledge activities or facts that point the way, and then a series of practical applications in which we get to experience the truth or fact played out. It is the experience that teaches. It is by playing with energy that we learn the truth of energy.
The theories may be quite accurate, the teachings sound. Yet unless we verify them both outside and inside ourselves, we will be caught in error. What we are asked to do is to realize that all theories are maps, they are not the places the maps represent. We must digest the lesson and then go test it ourselves by experiencing it in reality. There is no religion higher than truth and truth can only be experienced.
So, when the activity calls for you to experience something please do take the time out to do that. In Blavatsky’s affirmation, “The Golden Stairs,” two of the requirements for reaching the temple of divine wisdom are an open mind and an eager intellect. The temple of divine wisdom is synonymous with the inner self. To reach that temple is to awaken the inner self. It should be self-evident that pursuing “the path of truth and honesty” is ultimately best for everyone. Yet few are willing to make the personal sacrifices necessary to do it. Many are so attached to their beliefs that they identify with them. They think of themselves as Christians, Muslims, Jews, atheists, Patriots fans, Liverpool fans, Trump supporters (or not) and so on. Most people also identify with their life beliefs, rich or poor, sick or healthy. The search for truth is not an effort to prove what we believe. The search begins with an open mind and an acceptance of our ignorance.
Let’s start with an honest assessment of your current beliefs.
On a piece of paper write out what you believe under the following topics:
A 2020 study out of Norway suggests that handwriting and drawing engages the brain far more than typing on a keyboard, after measuring the brain activity of children and young adults performing these tasks. Throughout the Transformation Experience I suggest using pen and paper over typing on a device.
With each topic write with as little analysis as possible. Just keep the pen moving. Don’t analyze what you write as you write it. Just keep going. The feeling is like spirit writing. Free flow is what you are aiming for.
Write down what you ‘believe’ about God, Sex, My Purpose etc….Try not to judge what you write and jump from topic to topic without pause.
When you have finished (and this can be an exhausting thing to do) take a break out in nature. Find a beautiful view and a quiet space. Take some deep breaths. Quieten the mind a bit. When you are ready, read your musings from the paper.
As you read (quietly) ask yourself where those beliefs came from? Did you conclude those beliefs for yourself based on personal research and analysis or were they at one time or another handed down to you? Contemplate how you arrived at those conclusions.
When you return home, squeeze the paper into a ball and throw it in the trash. This exercise is to forget self and to open the first awakening. You have regurgitated your belief system and thrown it away. Now a NEW YOU begins. It is a YOU with an open mind, no longer polluted by the beliefs and opinions of others.
You will discover YOUR truth for YOU.
It is only after the first awakening that the arduous work begins, the work of gaining complete mastery over our whole nature.
Once the inner self has been alerted your neurons begin a sort of rebooting to a NEW YOU. The great work begins, the work of gaining mastery over your whole nature.
There Is a Road
There is a Road, steep and thorny, beset with perils of every kind, but yet a Road. And it leads to the very heart of the universe. I can tell you how to find those who will show you the secret gateway that opens inwardly only, and closes fast behind the neophyte forever more. There is no danger that dauntless courage cannot conquer. There is no trial that spotless purity cannot pass through. There is no difficulty that strong intellect cannot surmount. For those who win onward, there is reward past all telling: the power to bless and save humanity. For those who fail, there are other lives in which success may come.
-H. P. Blavatsky
In the next few activities we will investigate the true makeup of our universe and ourselves. To kick it off we will again hear from Allan Watts on the metaphysical nature of energy. Then we will hear from scientists on the physical interpretation of energy.