About this lesson

Tricking time and using imagination = TIMEAGINATION
From ‘The Secret History of the World’ – by Mark Booth
“…Of course idealists have a more exalted view of imagination than materialists. For idealists imagination is a faculty for grasping a higher reality. The discipline of training the imagination is central to esoteric practice, the initiations of the secret societies and, indeed, of magic.
For esotericists and occultists the imagination is also important, because imagination is the great creative force in the universe. Imagination was the first emanation – and it is our imaginations that allow us to interpret the creation and sometimes to manipulate it. Human creativity, whether magical or non-magical, is the result of a particular channeling of the powers of the imagination.”
Timeagination is a tool created for practical magic. It uses all of the principles you have learned in this experience. It is unlike anything taught anywhere else. It works… for everyone regardless of circumstances… and completely. Use it wisely.
Creativity is the result of a particular channeling of the power of imagination. Yet, rarely are we taught this power. I meet many people, even those in creative fields, who do not know how to effectively use imagination. That is okay because it is easily learned.

When we imagine something we want and then shift time to imagine it as already achieved, we send streams of jiggling energy through the Higgs Field. Remember ‘energy’ doesn’t actually exist except as we conceptualize the process of change. Imagination is all about creating momentum of change.
String theory shows we create hyper-dimensionally so the change occurs everywhere. That means across dimensions.
The Higgs Field, however, does not understand right or wrong. It cannot judge something to be good or bad for us. Because most people spend a crazy amount of time imagining ‘bad stuff’ happening, shit happens to them.
Clearly, then one practical idea is to imagine good stuff happening more often than bad. That requires discipline.
We have also learned that time is an illusion. So, we can play with that. The goal setting teachers would have you say something like ‘one day I can and I will.’ They will be right. One day you can and you will… just not today. Clearly then another practical idea is to imagine something as already achieved.
Finally, we live in a time when the visual sense dominates for most people. We see screens and moving pictures everywhere. So, let’s use that. Let’s imagine visually.
The tool is called the Mini-Mind Movie.
In essence, we simply take our Intention and turn it into a movie script. In our imagination we play that movie which is about ourselves… our future selves living the dream already achieved. The trick though is not to imagine the gradual achievement of success like a 90 minute Indiana Jones story of overcoming issues before finally triumphing. No, the trick is to imagine the day after the Intention is achieved. What does it feel like. The movie is “A Day in the Life of _______ after the Intention arrives.”
Everyone who achieves such an awe-inspiring, flowing, time-independent Intention immediately wants to celebrate. How one celebrates is personal. One time I bought my wife an Aston Martin as a thank you gift. Another time I gathered a group of people at a three-Michelin star restaurant. Once I gave everyone $150,000 as a ‘thank you for your support’ gift. I also once just spent 24 hours in pyjamas. That simple thing is how I imagined a day in the life.
You might be at an awards celebration and you imagine the after event party. You may simply do a deal, get on a private jet and fly to relax on a private island. It doesn’t matter what the celebratory event is and no one can judge. No one cares what it is except you because no one will ever get to know until that day. It is yours. It is private.
For those who say they have trouble imagining I say that one of the secrets to firing up imagination is to use vibrant imagery and hyperbole in dialogue. A lot of screaming, cheering, and happy-cursing might be in order. For vibrant imagery lots of sun and color, foreign landscapes, and exotic locations work wonders… and also lead to fun window shopping.
So, for our earlier example of an artist-inspired Intention:
I ______am (Person) a globally recognized, award winning (positive) (name the award) artist (Motivation is I matter) whose paintings disrupt the world of art (purpose is change people’s minds leading by example) and I sold out (past tense) my first exhibition at (name gallery) for $30 million (powerful) and celebrated by taking all my support team by private jet to Necker Island for a week (Material element to assist window shopping) AND (KEEP IT PRIVATE)
She might run a short mini-mind movie of the final speech of appreciation at the sold-out exhibition. The applause is deafening and humbling. Strangers and friends alike hugs her and offer congratulations. She feels a glow inside. Then a celebrity offers a ride to his or her Hollywood mansion where a colorful party is already under way. The smell of gourmet food fills the air. She feels she finally made it, finally has the recognition she has longed for. She matters at last. The feeling makes her sigh and she can’t stop smiling. She is so giddy with excitement the swimming pool beckons. She strips and dives in naked. People laugh and cheer and start to do the same. Floating under a starlit sky now she can hear all the praise and compliments from the guests as the remnants of the best champagne she ever tasted tantalize her tongue.
It feels great. It feels magical.
It is a strong mini-mind movie.

The Full Process:
- What would I be/do if there were no impediments ritual. Take your time. Be honest
- Schedule the session. Nothing gets in the way
- Alone and in nature
- If you do not get a sense of awe, you are in denial about your target, your underlying motivation, or the true issues you face. repeat until awe arrives
- Immediately react forward with a window shopping list
- Write out your intention paragraph. Remember the five Ps. They are non-negotiable and based on scientific facts
- Commit to it.
- Write out intentions whenever you feel down (past or present tense).
- Play mini-mind movie after taking quiet time and anytime you feel knocked-back
- Select books, music and art that supports the dream. (Private Island magazine. Jets R Us…etc)
- Cancel newspaper and magazines. Let go of problem friends and family
- Select anything that supports the dream. Switch off the rest
- Let go of the past. Forgive everyone/everything. Forgive yourself. Scream
- program your RAS carefully
- Seek the truth
- Do the mirror work
- Keep it private all private
- TQT every day. Add other meditations
- Immerse in nature every day
- Read biographies that inspire

Create ‘A Day in the Life of _____ after achieving ____________. Write it out like a mini movie script: I take the hand of the celebrity, smile into his blue eyes as I take a seat in the chauffeur driven Rolls etc…
Don’t limit the fantasy.
Success means luxury, travel, adventure, praise, and gratitude.
Now and again I hear from people who claim they have difficulty using imagination and visualization.
If this applies to you and makes you feel different or lacking in something that others have you could have a condition called aphantasia. 1% of the population have this and for most of them it comes from an unnoticed head trauma in childhood. The good news is that it can be repaired. Here is a great article from the BBC on aphantasia. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-68675976
Others say they have forgotten how to fantasize. There is an easy way back to it and it is through the art of play. Play is also much misunderstood and research into hundreds of murderers and mass shooters shows a clear link to a childhood in which play was strictly forbidden. Jess grew up in a religious cult in which this was often the case. Fortunately she was smart enough to shift into her imagination as well as secretly watch cartoons while no one was looking. We need to keep playing as adults and to help us understand the importance there is a national institute for play. On their website you can download their excellent report. It is a must read for all serious players of energy https://www.nifplay.org/
Additional Resources: